Ceiliúradh & Craic !
Uaigneas & Deora !
  An Bord Bainistíochta agus an foireann le chéile
(faraoir, bhí Orlagh, Bernie, Neelie & Martina as láthair).
Aifreann Buíochais:
 Rang 6 ag cur tús leis an Aifreann & ag léamh na léachtaí:
Rang 2 ag canadh an tsailm:
 Seán & Megan ag freastal Aifrinn:
 Ag léamh na paidreacha:
 Na bronntanais á mbronnadh:
 Filíocht á léamh ag Éabha:
 Rang 6 ag canadh......treoir ó Miss Joyce & ceol ó Neelie:
"The Prayer"

I pray you'll be our eyes
And watch us where we go
And help us to be wise
In times when we don't know


Let this be our prayer
As we go our way
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe

I pray we'll find your light
And hold it in our hearts
When stars go out each night
Remind us where you are

Let this be our prayer
When shadows fill our day
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

We ask that life be kind
And watch us from above
We hope each soul will find
Another soul to love
"Cúpla" focal ó Mrs. McNamara !!
Níor chaill said lá ar bith ón scoil, 2016-2017 ! Bhronn Bríd duaiseanna orthu:
Deartháir & Deirfiúr, Seosamh & Éabha!
Deartháireacha, Cathal & Diarmuid!
 Níor chaill said siúd ach lá amháin:
 Slán le Miss Forry & go raibh míle maith agat:
 😢  Slán le Rang 6 !  😢
Bhronn Miss Mulloy "Year Book" a rinne sí leofa orthu:
  Bhronn Miss Joyce "Tonragee Centenary Book" orthu freisin:
😄😄  "Silverware na Bliana"  😄😄
In 2008, when Ciarán was the youngest boy in our school, he planted a tree on the occasion of the re-opening, following major renovations to the school.
He is photographed here with his great-grandfather, John Gallagher, RIP and his sister, Danielle on that special day.
And now, he is photographed beside that same tree, on his last day in S.N. Thóin Ré Gaoith!
  Tae & sólastí !
Comhluadar & craic !
Peannaireacht den Scoth!
Cóipleabhair slachtmhara!
1ú : 
An peannaireacht is fearr!
Na cópileabhair is fearr!
An scór is airde sa litriú !.
Slán le Miss Forry.
Ár míle buíochas!
Slán Miss Forry!
Slan Miss Lavelle!
Foireann an lae le chéile don uair deireanach!
Bliain Iontach Eile Thart!