Ranganna 3 - 6 :
Cartaí buíochais le grá mór do na do na haithreacha: 
Na beacha ag "buzzáil"!
Naí - Rang 2:
Clocha á pheinteáil le 'acrylics'!
Ranganna 3 - 6
Céim 1:
Céim 2:
Anois, tá siad réidh agus go hálainn!

Ealaín agus ceardaíocht, Naí - Rang 2:
Ranganna 3 - 6: Éan a dhéanamh le ciorcail!
Agus, pictiúir a dhearadh le dathanna fuara agus te!
Naí - Rang 2: Priontáil agus peinteáil!
"The Hungry Caterpillar"
Naí - Rang 2: "Cherry Blossom" Álainn: 
 Altóir do Mhuire:
 Ranganna 3 - 6: Ag cruthú pictiúir le spuinsí, scuabanna agus péint:
Anois tá ár bpictiúir an tsamhraidh ar crochadh thart timpeall:
 MÁRTA 2017
Tá an Cháisc ag teacht:
Crósóga na Cásca á dhéanamh le pionnaí éadaigh, ag Ranganna 5 & 6:
Anois, tá siad réidh:
Bhí Naí -Rang 2 gnóthach freisin!
Ansin bhí an scoil maisithe lenár maisiúcháin álainn go léir don Cháisc:
Naíonáin - Rang 2:
Rang 3 - Rang 6:
Obair-ghrúpa : Ranganna 3 & 4 ag obair le chéile chun bláth álainn a chruthú:
Grá mór d'ár máithreacha iontacha!
Art display inspired by poetry:
"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" (also commonly known as "The Daffodils") is a lyric poem by the English poet, William Wordsworth. It is Wordsworth's most famous work. The poem was inspired by an event on 15 April 1802, in which Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy came across a "long belt" of daffodils :
Líníocht shuimiúil ó ranganna 3 & 4:
Féach amach an fhuinneog! Céard atá le feiceáil???

Priontáil le:

Agus anois, tá siad ar an mballa:
Colláis an Earraigh,
Naí - Rang 2:
Papier Mâché á pheinteáil:
Fhéile Vailintín
Naí- Rang 2
Rang 3
Rang 4 
 Rang 5
Rang 6
Naí - Rang 2:
An Sneachta!
Ranganna 3 - 6:
Crosóga Bhríde:
 Féach an méid a rinne an dream seo! ! 
Rí na gCrosóg!
Crosóga an-mhóra!
Rang 3
Rang 4
Rang 5
Rang 6
Ag foghlaim faoi Paul Henry ......cén pictiúr is fearr leatsa a cheannach??!!
Ranganna 5 - 6:
We based our pastel drawings on the famous and iconic poem of Robert Frost:
Rang 3 - 4:
We had great fun studying about 'THE MARROG'! 
The Marrog
By R. C. Scriven
 My desk's at the back of the class
and nobody, nobody knows
I'm Marrog from Mars
With a body of brass
And seventeen fingers and toes
Wouldn't they shriek if they knew
I've three eyes at the back of my head
And my hair is bright purple
My nose is deep blue,
My teeth are half yellow, half red.
My five arms are silver and spiked
With knives on them sharper than spears
I could go back right now if I liked-
And return in a million light years.
 I could gobble them all
For I'm seven foot tall
And I'm breathing green flames from my ears. 
Wouldn't they yell if they knew,
If they guessed that a Marrog was here?
Ha-ha they have n't a clue-
Or wouldn't they tremble with fear !
"Look, look a Marrog!"
They'd all scream - and SMACK
The blackboard would fall and the ceiling would crack
And the teacher would faint, I suppose.
But I grin to myself, sitting right at the back
And nobody, nobody knows!!
Ranganna 5 - 6:
We studied Rublev's Icon:
Staidéar neamhbheo - le dubh agus bán amháin:
Dathú agus líníocht le téama naofa.
Drawings inspired by the poetry we studied:
Ranganna 3 - 4 :
O, to have a little house! To own the hearth and stool and all!
The heaped up sods against the fire,
The pile of turf against the wall!
To have a clock with weights and chains
And pendulum swinging up and down!
A dresser filled with shining delph,
Speckled and white and blue and brown!
I could be busy all the day
Clearing and sweeping hearth and floor,
And fixing on their shelf again
My white and blue and speckled store!
 Ranganna 5 - 6 :
“He who hath made the night of stars
For souls who tire and bleed,
Sent one of His great angels down
To help me in my need.
“He who is wrapped in purple robes, 
With planets in His care,
Had pity on the least of things
Asleep upon a chair.”
Dathanna agus líníocht - bunaithe ar an bhFómhar.
Rinne na naíonáin - Rang2  priontáil le torthaí:
Bhí muid ag peinteáil san halla.
Anois tá ár bpictiúir álainn críochnaithe anois!